Easter Sunrise Services in Glenwood Park
Posted On April 1, 2021
April 4th @ 8 AM at the Glenwood Park 
Live music by Tom Freestone
Easter message by Cliff Snyder
Special Presentation by the Children for Christ
Enjoy a Free Breakfast!
Everyone is Welcome!
This is great so proud of you Glenwood New Mexico!!
I will be there to enjoy, worship and eat .
These children are a treasure! Talk about heart-warming: http://www.catroncounty.org/2020/12/26/children-for-christ-present-christmas-eve/ take a look at another of their productions. It is good to see Catron County Children have the total support of the community and the freedom to openly gather and freely display the joy knowing Jesus brings to the hearts of youth and the more mature alike. What a great place to live in!