Mogollon Mountain Gun Club Turkey Shoot

Dear Gun Club Members,

We will be having a fun Turkey shoot on the 16th.

5 events. Should be fun. Come out and win a turkey !!
We will be having some events we have not had before.
Bring a chair and Bring a Friend.
If those who are on Facebook will add this it would be great.

Turkey Shoot Events
Saturday November 16, 2019]
Sign up at 8:30
Shoot at Nine

Following is an overview of the events for this shoot.

1. 25 rounds of trap

2. 200 yard gong off hand 2 shots any sights

3. Shoot the Bowling Pins off the table
21 Feet
Centerfire Pistol
May reload.
Compete against another shooter-until there is a winner

4. 22 pistol Silhouettes

5. Dueling tree .22 pistol 20 seconds. Person with fewer paddles on their side wins

Cost: $15 for all five events.—or $3.00 for individual event

Cost $10 per person. Enter all events.

The winner of each event will receive a Turkey
The high score for all five events will receive a gift certificate.

There will be lunch —probably Hot Dogs with tons of fixings, salad, dessert and drinks.

turkey shoot poster

Follow-up Email from John Murphy:

Hi Everyone,
There is a few things that need to be done at the range prior to the shoot- some general clean up -mowing around the shotgun area- repair to the 100yard gong- and so on If you can help please show up on Thursday at 9:00 am

Also, please reply to this email so I will know who is coming.

turkey shoot poster


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