Month: June 2019

Catron County Commission on Aging meeting in Glenwood

Open Public Meeting at the Glenwood Senior Center Executive Director of the Catron County Commission on Aging, Savannah Leon visited the Glenwood Senior Center on Friday, the 28th of June to explain the financial quagmire the Senior Centers find themselves in. First word on this issue threatened a closing...

Catron County Commissioner’s Open Meeting 11 July 2019

Catron County Board of Commissioners Please set all communication devices to “OFF”. Speakers on the meeting agenda will have a maximum Time Limit of 15 minutes unless otherwise stated. THE CATRON COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL MEET ON THURSDAY, July 11, 2019 AT 9:00 AM FOR A REGULAR...

Catron County Senior Centers closing?

Note: Word has recently been received that a couple of the statements in this video are erroneous in light of more current information. Current funding extends the Senior Center operations through the end of July and the Catron County Commissioners have placed this issue on the official Agenda for...

Glenwood Library Summer Reading Program for Children

Every Wednesday — The Summer Reading Program continues every Wednesday in July from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at Glenwood Community Library. This year’s theme is A Universe of Stories. It is geared towards kids preschool through middle school but all ages are welcome. There will be separate programs for...

UN Agenda 2030 WaterGrab comes to Catron County

If you don’t yet know about the United Nations Agenda 2030 please view this video and notice the 6th point: Then take a look at what they are creeping up on Catron County with:...

Bucky’s Birthday Bash short ~ 06152019

This is a short version with Cuoy Griffin and Yvette Harrell as well as a few songs by Bucky’s Band. The complete version will be available in a week or so....