Glenwood’s Summer Season
Glenwood’s summer season is underway

GLENWOOD — June and July are full of fun-filled events, starting off with an exciting program by the New Mexico Museum of Space History on Wednesday June 5 at Glenwood Community Center.
The presentation is a tie-in with the Library’s Collaborative Summer Reading Program’s theme “A Universe of Stories.” The program will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. This traveling space program visits libraries throughout the state and Glenwood Community Library was one of the libraries chosen this summer because our area has never been visited before. The presentation will begin at 1 p.m. and is open to everyone.
The Summer Reading Program runs every Wednesday in June and July from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at Glenwood Community Library. It is geared towards children preschool through middle school but all ages are welcome. There will be separate programs for preschool and older children. Every child who attends will receive a book and a book bag. Snacks are provided. Kids earn prizes through participation and reading. There will be a Grand Prize giveaway at the end of the summer. Children can sign up now at the library.
Other events
Cosmic Campground
Cosmic Campground Weekend is set for June 1-2. Bring a friend, red filtered flashlight, very warm clothes, lawn chair, and telescope and binoculars if you have them. Make new friends and enjoy the wonders of the night sky. For more information, go to

Friday June 14 is Movie Night at Glenwood Community Library. The film, which is based on a true story, is “The Mule,” directed by and starring Clint Eastwood. He plays Earl Stone, a man in his 80s who is broke, alone, and facing foreclosure of his business when he is offered a job that just requires him to drive. Unknowingly, he’s just signed up as a drug courier for a Mexican cartel. Free popcorn and soft drinks are provided. Donations are always appreciated. Showtime is 7 p.m. Friday June 14 at the library, 14 Menges Lane, Glenwood, New Mexico 88039.
Mogollon, the area’s own Ghost Town is back in business. The quaint former mining community opened for the season May 18. The Purple Onion Cafe opens at 9 a..m., the Old Kelly Store and the Mogollon Museum open at 10 a.m.
Glenwood Street Market – Every Friday and Saturday

The Glenwood Street Market, is back with a variety of unique arts and crafts, and baked goods, produce and snacks. The market is open from every Friday and Saturday and holidays from approximately 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Highway 180 in downtown Glenwood.
The Catwalk Gallery on Highway 180 in Glenwood is also now open for season, Stop by to see the exciting new artwork and artisan crafts.
Coming up in July
4th of July week promises lots of fun events including a parade,

fireworks, music, an art auction and a rodeo.
On July 4th, the Glenwood Street Market will be open on Highway 180 in downtown Glenwood. From 2-6 p.m. there will be games, and food at Glenwood Community Park.
At 6 p.m. the annual DooDah Parade kicks off at Los Olmos Lodge and proceeds south along Highway 180.
After the parade, back at the park, the Gila River Band will play until dark when fabulous fireworks will light up the sky.
But that’s not all – on Saturday July 6 the fun starts off with Brush Poppers Ranch Rodeo at Glenwood Arena on Catwalk Road by the park beginning at 1 p.m. There will be concessions. Admission is free.
Saturday evening, enjoy a Cowbelles BBQ dinner at 6 p.m. followed by the Art Auction at 7 p.m. Proceeds benefit ag scholarships and the educational McKeen Ranch Days program.
At 8 p.m., dance the night away to the Gila River Band. Admission is free.
Information on what’s happening in the Glenwood area is available at
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